Friday, April 13, 2007


With the cost of healthcare rising, I cannot imagine living without medical benefits to help my family get through any medical problems that may occur.
What I fail to understand is, that our part-time dockworkers at FedEx Freight have no medical benefits at all. Yet they can work over 20 hrs/week and still be classified as part-time employees and not receive medical benefits.
Part-time employees who work for Teamster carriers, receive medical and vision benefits if they work 60 hours per month. If for some reason, a Teamster dockworker is unable to obtain the 60 hours per month at one company, they are able to obtain the hours necessary to receive medical benefits by working at another Teamster carrier.
What do you get FedEx part-timer?
For example, a FedEx dockworker or any member of their family who are injured , is 100 percent responsible for all medical bills they acquire.
This is one more reason, FedEx employees must, BE WISE AND ORGANIZE NOW!!!


Anonymous said...

Legislative Action

From the Ballot Box to Capitol Hill

Today Teamsters and other working Americans face unprecedented challenges, as well as opportunities, at every level of government. More than ever, the success of the Teamsters' legislative and political programs will depend upon the direct involvement of Teamster members.

Mike Mathis
Government Affairs Director
The Government Affairs Department is committed to educating, mobilizing, and equipping our members to become an army of activists so that—from the halls of Congress to the ballot box—the Teamsters will speak with a unified and overwhelming voice.


Democrat Republican Independent Voter Education—or DRIVE—is the political arm of the Teamsters’ Government Affairs Department. Backed by one of the nation’s largest Political Action Committees, the DRIVE program has the resources to effectively support candidates who back Teamster priorities and oppose those who work against us. A dedicated field staff works year-round, visiting worksites, talking with members one-on-one about the issues, and encouraging Teamster members to support the DRIVE PAC with financial contributions. Click here for more information on DRIVE, or download an overview as a PDF flier. You can also view our library of issue specific DRIVE fliers.
Legislative Program

The Legislative Program ensures that the Teamsters have a voice in the halls of the United States Senate and House of Representatives. Teamster priorities are monitored and promoted daily by a core staff of legislative representatives who often work in coalition with allied organizations, including the AFL-CIO and other unions. The program also relies on the active involvement of Local Union and Joint Council leadership, as well as rank-and-file members, to reach Members of Congress, educate them on our issues and deliver the message that they will be held accountable for their actions on Teamster issues.

State Program

The purpose of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Government Affairs State Program is to communicate and advance the goals of the Teamster membership through state focused legislative and political efforts coordinated within our Union. The program enlists a field staff of State Government Affairs Coordinators who are each assigned a region of the country, working with Joint Councils and Local Union leadership to support existing legislative and political programs, as well as implementing new programs where none currently exists.

Anonymous said...

What Can You Expect From Management?

Now that we’re joining together, here’s what we can expect to hear from management...

When workers form a union, they gain a voice in decisions that affect their jobs, their future and their families. Unfortunately, management doesn’t always like the idea of sharing the decision making with employees. So management’s first reaction may be to make a lot of misleading statements to try to convince you not to join together.

Knowing what to expect from management will help you stay focused on your real goal—winning a voice on the job and a say in your future.

This is what managers often say when workers form a union:

Management: “A union is a third party that will come between us.”

Fact: Our union is a democratic, member-run organization. When you form a union, you’ll work together to govern your own organization. And every contract will be reviewed and approved by a majority of the employees where you work.

Management: “The union will make you go on strike.”

Fact: Strikes are a rare last resort in contract negotiations—more than 95 percent of Teamster contracts are negotiated without a strike. And no strike will happen unless a majority of workers vote to call one.

Management: “If you form a union, you risk losing the benefits and pay raises you already have.”

Fact: It is illegal for a company to freeze or cut previously scheduled raises to discourage you from forming a union. Once you’re organized, you’ll lock in our current wages and benefits and then negotiate improvements from there. All of you will get an opportunity to review your proposed contract before you vote to approve it. Obviously, you’re not going to approve a contract that cuts our wages or benefits.

Management: “The union just wants your dues money.”

Fact: As newly organized Teamsters, you won’t pay dues until you’ve negotiated and voted to approve your first contract—and decided for yourselves whether it’s worth it. (Teamster pilot groups are the exception; in 1998, pilots requested that their dues begin the month after voting to become Teamsters.) Every serious organization—churches, clubs, sporting leagues, and similar organizations—has to have some kind of funding, and unions are no different. Dues pay for the costs of having an organization—contract negotiations, grievances and arbitrations, training for members, legal fees, and other things so no one has to go it alone.

Management: “With a union, you won’t be allowed to talk to your supervisor—you’ll have to go through the union.”

Fact: Teamsters have found that having a union strengthens communication between employees and supervisors. Direct relationships with immediate supervisors continue and you can negotiate to retain any good policy and procedures already in place. The advantage of joining together in a union is that you’re able to make your voices heard at the upper levels of management, where key decisions are made.

Management: “The improvements we’re willing to make right now show that you don’t need a union.”

Fact: It’s great that management is responding to your concerns. It shows that when you join together, your voices are heard. By forming a union, you can make sure this progress is not just short term—you’ll build an ongoing dialogue with management on all your issues. You'll also have peace of mind with a union—since the improvements you agree on will be guaranteed in your union contract.

Keep in mind that it’s normal for some tension to arise when workers start to build a union. But the tension is temporary. After you vote to form a union, management gets used to the idea of you having a voice on the job.

No matter what management says, stay focused on your shared goals—to make your workplace the best possible place to work.

Anonymous said...

Recursos en Español

Su fuente en línea para obtener Solidaridad

Los Teamsters representan a 1,400,000 trabajadores y trabajadoras en prácticamente todas las ocupaciones en los Estados Unidos y Canadá. Los Teamsters operan computadoras; protegen a familias como agentes de la ley; trabajan como empleados técnicos en los sectores público y privado; cuidan pacientes en hospitales y hogares de ancianos; trabajan como defensores públicos; ayudan a los clientes en agencias de alquiler de autos; trabajan en los hoteles principales; trabajan en escuelas como directores y guardianes; reparan puentes de carreteras y cobran peajes en autopistas; procesan, almacenan y entregan productos alimenticios, y transportan automóviles, camiones, vehículos deportivos utilitarios y otros.
Su unión es una organización democrática—donde usted y los demás miembros tienen el derecho a elegir a sus líderes locales y a decidir las políticas que les afectarán. Usted es miembro de una de las más de 500 uniones locales de los Teamsters. La Unión Internacional le ha asignado un número a cada local para designar su ubicación, y está autorizada para reflejar las industrias que representa.

Ser miembro de los Teamsters le confiere muchos derechos y beneficios en el empleo. También le brinda la oportunidad de unirse a otros trabajadores para lograr cambios en sus centros de trabajo y en su comunidad a nivel nacional e internacional.

Vea este sitio Web con regularidad para aprender más sobre la Unión de los Teamsters y sus actividades en todo el país. En él encontrará lo que busca, desde las últimas noticias sobre victorias de organización, campañas contractuales y eventos sindicales, hasta programas de beneficios exclusivos y oportunidades para tomar medidas sobre asuntos legislativos que afectan a las familias trabajadoras en todas partes.

Anonymous said...

Conozca Sus Derechos Como Un Trabajador Inmigrante

Usted tiene el derecho de ser parte o asistir a una organización sindical en su lugar de trabajo, compañía, o taller.

Usted tiene el derecho a negociaciones colectivas con los representantes que usted escoge.

Es ilegal que un empleador discrimine en contra de usted por razones de su raza, religión, etnia o nacionalidad a pesar de su estado migratorio.

A pesar de su estado migratorio, usted tiene el derecho de reportar una queja en la corte o con una agencia del gobierno por salario no pagado, discriminación, u otras violaciones a sus derechos en su lugar de trabajo.

No importa que sean las cortes, agencias del gobierno, o cualquier otra persona a la que usted ha reportado una queja en contra, estas no deben de preguntarle sobre su estado migratorio. En la mayoría de los casos, su estado inmigratorio es irrelevante en un acción de pago para su salario.

A pesar de su estado migratorio, usted tiene el derecho a un salario mínimo y pago por horas extras según el “Fair Labor Standards Act.”

Si usted tuvo un accidente en el trabajo, existe la posibilidad a que puede ser elegible para compensación de trabajo, beneficios y tratamientos médicos, y compensación de salario perdido.

Anonymous said...

Preguntas con Frecuencia Hechas

¿Qué es una Unión?

Una unión es un grupo de empleados de una empresa que se unen para negociar colectivamente y obtener mejores sueldos y beneficios, así como condiciones de trabajo más seguras. Regresar al principio ¿Qué hacen las uniones? El objetivo principal de una unión es negociar buenos contratos para sus miembros y hacer cumplir las disposiciones de los mismos. La unión también administra directamente algunos de los beneficios de los contratos. Con frecuencia estos incluyen planes de salud, pensiones y asociaciones obrero-patronales, así como fideicomisos.

¿Cómo se organiza uno con los Teamsters?

Los empleados que quieren unirse a los Teamsters firman una “tarjeta de autorización para unirse a la unión”. Cuando una mayoría de empleados firma tarjetas, en la mayor parte de los casos estas se envían a la Junta Nacional de Relaciones Obrero-Patronales (NLRB). La NLRB entonces fija una fecha para las elecciones y las lleva a cabo por voto secreto. En algunos casos la compañía reconoce a la unión cuando una mayoría de los trabajadores firman las tarjetas.

Cuando la unión está certificada, la compañía está obligada por ley a negociar los sueldos, beneficios y condiciones de empleo. Las leyes que rigen el sector público y la industria de líneas aéreas son diferentes.

Si firmo una tarjeta de autorización, ¿tengo que votar que sí en las elecciones? ¿Qué pasa si cambio de opinión?

Los Teamsters están comprometidos a organizar a los trabajadores que quieren estar representados por ellos. La organización no consiste en tener un voto; consiste en adquirir una voz en el centro de trabajo.

Cuando la NLRB celebra una elección para una unión, esta es por voto secreto. Nadie tiene ningún derecho a saber por quién votó usted.

¿Cómo resuelve la unión los problemas con la gerencia?

Por medio del procedimiento de resolución de conflictos. El contrato explica cuáles son los procedimientos a seguir y cómo se van a resolver los conflictos.

Cuando la gerencia practica una conducta injusta o viola una cláusula del contrato, éste contiene pasos detallados para resolver el conflicto. Primero, usted habla con su supervisor. Cuando la gerencia se niega a hacer nada al respecto, usted va al delegado de taller de los Teamsters para que le ayude. El delegado se sienta con usted y la gerencia y tratan de resolver la cuestión. Si no se puede resolver en esa reunión, un agente de negocios de la unión habla sobre el asunto. Si el problema todavía no se puede resolver a satisfacción de todos, el agente de negocios apela a la alta gerencia. Si este paso falla, ambas partes nombran a un árbitro neutral para que escuche las pruebas y dictamine una resolución final del problema.

¿Quiénes son los delegados de taller y los agentes de negocios?

Un delegado de taller es uno de sus compañeros que actúa como agente de la unión en el centro de trabajo. Los miembros de la Unión y la unión local de los Teamsters determinan los procedimientos para elegir a los delegados de taller y negocian cuántos habrá en cada planta, turno y departamento. La función del Delegado de Taller consiste en asegurarse que la compañía cumpla con el contrato. Cuando surja un problema con la gerencia y usted necesite ayuda de la Unión, lo primero que debe hacer es visitar a su delegado de taller.

Un agente de negocios es un funcionario de su unión local encargado de atender cualquier problema que el delegado de taller no pueda resolver.

¿Qué es una “unidad negociadora”?

Una unidad negociadora está integrada por todos los empleados que tienen derecho a votar y a pertenecer a la unión.

¿Quién negocia su contrato?

Los Teamsters y la compañía escogen a sus propios negociadores. El equipo de la compañía suele estar integrado por abogados, gerentes locales y miembros de la alta gerencia. El equipo de la unión suele constar de empleados de la unidad negociadora y expertos negociadores de la unión.

¿Qué puedo pedir que se incluya en el contrato?

Antes de comenzar las negociaciones contractuales, la unión le pregunta qué quisiera ver en un contrato. Generalmente la unión hace una encuesta entre todos los miembros de la unidad negociadora. Una vez negociado el contrato, se lo presentan a usted y sus compañeros para que lo ratifiquen. Si una mayoría no lo aprueba, su equipo negociador lo vuelve a negociar.

¿Cuánto tiempo duran los contratos?

Generalmente de 3 a 5 años.

¿Qué son las cuotas sindicales? ¿Para qué se usan?

Las cuotas sindicales son el dinero que usted le paga a la unión para ayudarla a pagar su personal auxiliar, los costos legales, los costos de las negociaciones, los honorarios de árbitros, etc.

¿Qué es un “local” o “unión local”?

Los Teamsters tienen una estructura que incluye un órgano nacional, intermediarios y uniones locales. La mayoría de las decisiones se toman a nivel estatal y de uniones locales.

Entonces, ¿qué hace la “Internacional”?

Las responsabilidades de la Unión Internacional incluyen: influir ante el Congreso para que pase leyes que beneficien a los trabajadores, prestar ayuda a las uniones locales que la necesiten y coordinar campañas nacionales de organización

¿Cuán democráticas son las uniones?

El proceso completo es abierto y democrático. Usted decide si quiere firmar una tarjeta de autorización. Usted decide si vota “sí” para unirse a la unión. Usted escoge a los compañeros que desea que figuren en su equipo negociador. Usted decide lo que va a decirle a sus negociadores que quiere que incluyan en el contrato. Usted vota por el contrato una vez que se negocie. Usted vota por la persona que quiere que sea su delegado de taller. Usted vota por las personas que quiere que sean los funcionarios de su local.

Anonymous said...

The labor movement is the best antipoverty program in the United States and the Teamsters are leading the way in the fight for workers in America, former U.S. Sen. John Edwards said today at the Teamsters 27th International Convention.

"It was the union that helped build the middle class of America," Edwards told more than 7,000 Teamster delegates, retirees and guests from across North America attending this week's convention in Las Vegas. "The greatest antipoverty program in the United States is the labor movement."

Edwards, the 2004 Democratic nominee for vice president, said the Teamsters must hold politicians accountable, including Democrats, to help strengthen the labor movement.

"I believe in a Democratic Party of big ideas," Edwards said. "I believe in a Democratic Party that actually has a backbone and courage and strength that will go out there and fight for the people we have always fought for. I believe in a Democratic Party that's not afraid of saying the word 'union'."

Organizing is crucial to the future of the labor movement, and politicians need to support the cause, he said.

"We need leaders who actually believe in your cause. We need real labor law reform. We need to put labor law on the side of working people. If anybody in America can sign a card and join the Republican Party, anyone in America should be able to sign a card and join a union," he said.

The Teamsters have a proud history of supporting elected officials who support working families, and plans are under way to mobilize millions of Teamsters for this fall's mid-term elections.

"John Edwards has walked with union members on picket lines and he's been with us during organizing drives," said Jim Hoffa, Teamsters General President. "John Edwards is an important ally for the American labor movement and I am proud to call him a friend of the Teamsters."

Anonymous said...

Teamsters Hispanic Caucus

Objectives and Purpose of The Teamsters Hispanic Caucus

To serve the various communities in which the Corporation’s members live by assisting and promoting the interest of Hispanic Teamsters and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and to promote those interests on the local, state, and national level. Said purposes shall be served by, including but not limited to the award of educational scholarships to deserving community youth; contributions to charitable organizations which serve the communities of the membership; conducting community improvements and community education programs; and promoting community service by making public awards of a non monetary nature in recognition of meritorious community service.

Objetivos y propósito del Comité Hispano de los Teamsters

Servir a las diversas comunidades en donde viven los miembros de la empresa, ayudando y promoviendo los intereses de los Teamsters hispanos y de la International Brotherhood of Teamsters a nivel local, estatal y nacional. Estos propósitos se cumplirán mejor, incluyendo, aunque sin limitarse a ello, otorgando becas educacionales a jóvenes que las merezcan en las distintas comunidades; contribuyendo a organizaciones benéficas que sirvan a las comunidades de los miembros; haciendo mejoras y promoviendo programas educacionales en las comunidades, y promoviendo servicios comunitarios por medio de donaciones públicas no monetarias en reconocimiento de servicios meritorios prestados a la comunidad.

Teamsters Hispanic Caucus
4626 Mercury Street, San Diego, California 92111
Art Cantu, Executive Director
(858) 292-7344

Anonymous said...

Suffield Board of Education Workers Join Local 671

Strong Representation Sought by Connecticut Employees

April 17, 2007

On March 30, 93 employees at the Suffield Board of Education in Suffield, Connecticut voted to join Bloomfield-based Local 671.

“This whole election was about day-to-day representation,” said Tony Lepore, business agent with Local 671. “Members would bring problems to their representative but not get any results. They had grievances that were outstanding for a year. There was a lack of communication and representation.”

By a 45-35 vote, the paraprofessionals, secretaries and custodians joined Local 671 and gained the strong representation they sought.

“This all started when Jean Barnes went on to the Teamster web site,” Lepore said. “The workers wanted a strong organization backing them up, and she found evidence of that on the site, then contacted the Teamsters.”

In addition to the Suffield employees, Local 671 represents approximately 30 public works employees in Bloomfield.

Anonymous said...

WASHINGTON, April 17 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Region 34 Director Peter Hoffman ruled that a group of FedEx Home Delivery drivers in Windsor, Connecticut, are employees and eligible to vote in an upcoming union election.

Anonymous said...

Senator Edward M. Kennedy used his first hearing as Chairman of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions to call for a national system of universal health care coverage. He promoted the universal healthcare plan passed in his home state of Massachusetts last year that requires coverage for all residents.

Universal Health Care was number three on the list of legislative priorities for 2007 announced by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. It followed a call for legislation favoring union organizing, “The Employee Free Choice Act” and raising the national minimum wage to $7.25 per hour.

Number four on that list was Retirement Security. “We must ensure that all Americans are provided with retirement security and work to reverse the decline in defined benefit pension plans,” the Teamsters’ document said.

Anonymous said...

Teamsters President James P. Hoffa was reelected to another 5-year term by nearly a 2-1 margin. Hoffa put a strong emphasis on pension cuts during his campaign, and now with wins by the Hoffa slate and also by labor-supported Congressional Democrats, workers await news on what the winners will do to benefit their pension plans.

As Congress changed hands, leadership over the House and Senate committees with jurisdiction over labor issues was turned over to Democrats George Miller and Ted Kennedy. Both are expected to focus on labor issues in the upcoming session, with increasing the federal minimum wage and altering union organizing rules being widely reported as top priorities.

Meanwhile, drivers at two Delaware Fedex locations voted to join the Teamsters, in what union leaders declared as a major step to unionize the company’s workers nationwide. The company reportedly has begun to challenge the results. If the results hold, the next step will be for the new local representation to try to reach an agreement on a new contract.

Anonymous said...

Alabama Food Processing Workers Choose Teamsters

April 21, 2007

On April 5, 16 workers at the Pilgrim's Pride plant in Tuscumbia, Alabama voted in favor of joining Local 402 in Muscle Shoals by a margin of 14-2. The members handle poultry feed processing for the company.

This victory for Local 402 comes on the heels of a 24-5 win at the same facility on behalf of the truck drivers and mechanics on November 9, 2006.

Flip Statham, a truck driver for the company, whose father was a union steward, was very instrumental in the organizing campaign.

"After seeing my first paycheck at Pilgrim's Pride about a year ago, I knew we needed help from the Teamsters," Statham said. "As soon as I passed probation, I started talking to my fellow workers about the many benefits of a becoming a union member. Everyone then pitched in and worked together to make this a reality.

Contract negotiations are underway.

"Both units have sent a sound message to the company that they will settle for no less than a fair union contract," said Joe Gronek, Local 402 Secretary-Treasurer. "I am very proud of all these workers."

Anonymous said...

Join the Team

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters is leading the fight for fair trade, universal health care and a stronger middle class.

The Teamsters Union and organized labor is America’s best anti-poverty program, bringing millions of hard-working men and women into the middle class.

Sadly, politicians on both sides of the aisle continue to ignore our country's working families, and the gap between the rich and poor grows larger with every passing day. Thomas Jefferson once said, “The purpose of representative government is to curb the excesses of the moneyed interests.” Unfortunately, our elected officials cater almost exclusively to Big Business at the expense of working Americans.

The Teamsters Union partnered with six other progressive unions to form the Change to Win federation. Our mission is to unite the 50 million workers in Change to Win affiliate industries whose jobs cannot be outsourced and who are vital to the global economy. We seek to secure the American Dream for them, and for all working people, including:

A paycheck that supports a family;
Universal health care;
A secure retirement; and
The freedom to form a union that gives workers a voice on the job.
For the past 100 years, the Teamsters Union -- 1.4 million members strong and growing -- has been the champion of the working class in the United States. With both Democrats and Republicans beholden to corporations, unions are the only force committed to the American Dream.

Today, America’s middle class needs the Teamsters like never before.

Join us in our fight for a strong middle class and a stronger America.

Anonymous said...

Teamsters members from approximately 238 local unions. Freight employees include truck drivers, dockworkers, mechanics, and office personnel.

Tyson Johnson
Division Director
Through outreach on our website and area steward training programs, the Freight Division works to ensure that the security of a good Teamster contract is available to all members.

On a daily basis, the Freight Division coordinates National Grievance Panels, Regional Grievance Panels, change of operations, and negotiations of individual contracts.

The Freight Division also responds to questions from members and local unions concerning worker benefits, equipment safety, grievances, change of operation, and organizing new members. The Division works closely with other departments to further the interests of freight members.

Anonymous said...

UPS Freight Talks Maintain Strong Momentum

Committee Expects to Bargain Economic Issues Soon

April 25, 2007

The Teamsters’ UPS Freight Negotiating Committee continues to make progress toward a strong contract for workers in Indianapolis, and the committee expects to be bargaining economic issues soon.

Negotiations with UPS Freight, formerly Overnite Transportation, were held April 16-19 outside of Washington, D.C.

Building on the momentum established during talks March 12-14, the committee made progress on additional articles concerning working conditions.

“We understand how eager the workers in Indianapolis are to get a contract, and we also recognize that workers at UPS Freight terminals around the country are following these talks closely,” said Ken Hall, Director of the Teamsters Parcel and Small Package Division, who is co-chairman of the negotiating committee. “We want to reiterate that we are confident that a strong agreement will be reached.”

“Each session we have had with the company has confirmed our belief that we can achieve a good contract with UPS Freight,” said Gordon Sweeton, Assistant Director of the Teamsters National Freight Division, who also serves as co-chairman of the negotiating committee. “In fact, we believe we will be bargaining economic issues soon.”

The committee is negotiating a contract for the 125 drivers and dockworkers at UPS Freight in Indianapolis. The goal is to negotiate an agreement that will be a model national pact for all UPS Freight workers.

Local 135 in Indianapolis hosted a meeting this past weekend attended by about 45 of its UPS Freight members.

“Our UPS Freight members are looking forward to winning their first contract,” said Brian Buhle, Local 135 Secretary-Treasurer. “I think most of our members understand that contract negotiations can be a lengthy process. Our members remain united, and I urge workers at UPS Freight everywhere to stand united as well.”

The next round of talks will be scheduled soon.