Tuesday, June 23, 2015

We have received this policy though an x red shirt who still has friends. This is not supposed to be given to you until next week in a pre shift. Why you may ask because in this new policy as of this Monday you start with a clean slate. Therefore they do not want mass call outs for today or tonight.
What has changed, well you all need to read this carefully. With the policy in place now if you were to call out on a Monday n Tuesd...
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Saturday, June 13, 2015

Corporate Tax Dodgers: 10 Companies and Their Tax Loopholes

Where's the Pension Fix or Medical Improvements CRW??????

Here's another center who voted no and formed a driver committee. Another bang up job. Way to get more ride alongs by your center manager. What's missing from this list again???? I don't see health care and retirement on it !!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Bring the Teamsters to Fed Ex Freight

This is just Unbelievable. Louisville lost their election. Formed a driver committee and this is what is important to the committee. Getting custodians hired and garbages emptied. Why haven't they been able to accomplish getting better medical coverage or a real retirement here. I'll tell you why because they cant !!! They have no bargaining power. That list is just typical things that any center needs and they benefit the company. Wake up people. Glad LOU got hooks in the wash bay. Hats off to the driver committee in LOU. LOL
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Thursday, June 4, 2015



I'm not on here to bash the company at all. We just want to point out truth and facts.
CGT was told right before there election that the the drivers no longer had to call dispatch when they went to the rail to go on delay because they could be tied up there for hours. That was one of the gripes the drivers had. So the company told them to fill out a Kronos paper and they would not have to give up there 30 minute free time there lunch and th...ey would be paid from the time they got there to the time they leave no more calling dispatch. Mike Ducker told them that there would be changes with that after the election and they were looking at changing there CMH run.
So Dave Conway and Bob Atherton went around to the no's and fence sitters and also texted guys that they were going to move it to another location after the vote and it was going to add miles and they were going to be very happy.
Tuesday Dave Conway and some other drivers were called into management's office to be told that they have to go back to calling dispatch for there delay when they are there and the CMH could not be moved because it is 2 miles more and 4 miles round trip therefore with the amount of drivers going there it will cost the company way to much to move. Hey dave and Bob how's the change in CLT working for you now.
Folks I am posting this to show you the false promises being made across the country. We posted yesterday about the drop/hooks and roadside inspection pay. We were all told back in March about the changes coming and we were all to get an increase in June and only 56 places got it. This type of false promises have gone on in all the places that filed a petition so far but 4 places didn't buy into it.
The writing is on the wall it's right in your face what are you not seeing. This is not going to get better and the only ones that can change this is YOU. Take off the blinders and start stepping up to the plate. Stop waiting for the union or waiting for this center or that and worry about your own and start making the change.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Bring the Teamsters to Fed Ex Freight
Michael L. Ducker is president and chief executive officer of FedEx Freight and Vice Chairman, "U.S. Chamber of Commerce" Board of Directors. U.S. Chamber of Commerce members have to pay dues to take advantage of the full benefits. That's right, Michael L. Ducker pays dues. U.S. Chamber of Commerce revenue is derived entirely from membership dues and fees from membership. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world's largest business organization representing the interests of more than 3 million businesses of all sizes, sectors, and regions. U.S. Chamber of Commerce members range from mom-and-pop shops and local chambers to leading industry associations and large corporations. They all share one thing in common--they count on the Chamber to be their voice in Washington, D.C.
Does all this sound familiar? Let's take a look.
1.U.S. Chamber of Commerce members pay dues. / Teamster Union members pay dues.
2.U.S. Chamber of Commerce members have to pay dues to take advantage of the full benefits. / Teamster Union members have to pay dues to take advantage of the full benefits.
3.U.S. Chamber of Commerce revenue is derived entirely from membership dues and fees from membership. / The Teamsters Union revenue is derived entirely from membership dues and fees from membership.
4. U.S. Chamber of Commerce represents the interests of more than 3 million businesses. / The Teamster Union represents the interests of more than 1.4 million members.
5. U.S. Chamber of Commerce members count on the Chamber to be their voice in Washington, D.C. / Teamster Union members count on the Teamsters Union to be their voice in the workplace.
6. U.S. Chamber of Commerce is a business organization. / The Teamsters Union is a business organization
7. The U.S. Chamber fights for its members every day. / The Teamsters Union fights for its members every day.
8. U.S. Chamber of Commerce Stands up for American Enterprise. / The Teamsters Union Stands up for American Workers.
If Mr. Ducker thinks it’s a good idea to pay dues for representation, we should have the same opportunity.
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