Thursday, February 9, 2017

Telematic Program Update

ITS BACK... Meetings at CGT this morning with the local drivers and this Monday with the Linehaul drivers. They were informed that if you have an event with the camera system they (safety) will determine if it is a safety issue you will have to go before a driver review committee where you will be judged not only on your event but they will take into consideration everything since your first day of employment. They say it's not a scorecard but what would you call it? Didn't they say we wouldn't be disciplined and only coached by the system. Well surprise surprise they are changing that stance. They LIED. Meetings will be held over the next few weeks to let everyone know. We don't even have cameras or eld's in our trucks in CLT. They have to negotiate how ours are used.... 


Anonymous said...

Another lie, so the cameras are facing the drivers too now🤔 play too many games.. so they say the union does nothing, how does the union terminals have no electronic devices in there tractors until they negotiate a contract...??? If the union does nothing ask yourself how the non union terminals do, n union terminals don't!! This is the power of a union..MAKE SURE WHATEVER CHANGES YOU GUYS TRY and CHANGE IT GOES THROUGH OUR CONTRACT FIRST ...THAT'S The POWER OF A UNION...UNION STRONG

Anonymous said...

Another lie, so the cameras are facing the drivers too now🤔 play too many games.. so they say the union does nothing, how does the union terminals have no electronic devices in there tractors until they negotiate a contract...??? If the union does nothing ask yourself how the non union terminals do, n union terminals don't!! This is the power of a union..MAKE SURE WHATEVER CHANGES YOU GUYS TRY and CHANGE IT GOES THROUGH OUR CONTRACT FIRST ...THAT'S The POWER OF A UNION...UNION STRONG