Thursday, February 5, 2015

Driver Interrogations at FedEx Freight Southern California

It has come to our attention that Southern California managers have been riding along with drivers on their routes lately. Which is not really a big deal except for a couple of things they have been asking the drivers.

They are interrogating these drivers with questions like, "are there any cards being signed",  "how many drivers are involved in organizing here"? " How is the attitude of the drivers at your location.

The interrogation of these drivers is a violation under the NRLB laws, that protects employee's from these kind of company tactics.

If you are a driver who has been through one of these "ride a longs", you have every right to file "unfair labor charges" against these managers. This will send a message to FedEx that they have broken a Federal law. And that we, as informed employee's, will not put up with this kind of interrogations!

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